
We interviewed two SU students from the local area regarding their opinions and experiences with the Say Yes Program. Both students presented similar opinions about the program and asked future students to explore more options in regards to financial aid, not just the Say Yes Program. These are some quotes from the interviews:
"When I was first introduced to this program I felt as if there would be some type of catch to them paying tuition books and fees for students of city schools. I was under the impression that it would be a lot of qualifications and stipulations. There are a lot of things that they do not pay for including housing which is a big portion of the college students education"
"The program is a good initiative to enable Syracuse city school residents to attend college and receive aid."
"I would say not to limit to say yes schools, but to look at all options and consider your own financial background. It may be easier to apply to HEOP or SSS programs through a university or college you're interested in in applying to."