Helpful Links

Understanding the Helpful Links - The Common App 

This is a website that a majority of colleges and universities use to help students apply to multiple colleges all on one site. It is a basic application that most schools accept. You can select all the schools you wish to apply to them fill out the standard application. Some colleges have additional questions that need to be answered but these can still be completed through the site. Fees that need to be paid, forms that need to be filled out, and anything else in the application can be taken care of right on the Common Application website. It is really all you need for applying those schools and its all in the same, easy to access location. Its free to use, just set up an account and you can save your work to come back to it at a later time. Feel free to comment with any questions!

Understanding the Helpful Links - SAT Registration

The Scholastic Aptitude Test (otherwise known as the SAT's) is a standardized test designed to measure how prepared students are for a possible transition to college. Most colleges require that you take the test at least once and send in your scores, however some schools also accept the ACT's, which isanother popular standardized test. Information about the SAT's can be found throughthe College Board website. This includes test dates, test locations and how to go about registering for them. The site also outlines registration deadlines and fees as well as helpful tips for taking the actual test.

Understanding the Helpful Links - College Board's College Search

This website is especially helpful at the beginning of the college application process. You can utilize College Board’s free search engine to narrow down your list of potential schools to apply to by selecting from criteria such as size, location, and cost of schools. If you already know what major you hope to pursue, the site can show you exactly which schools offer it as well as providing links to the schools’ department websites. College Board allows you to make a customizable account where you can save lists of colleges that interest you and make notes regarding certain schools.

Understanding the Helpful Links - FAFSA

The Free Application for Student Aid (aka FAFSA) is a form that can be prepared annually by current and prospective college students in the U.S. to determine their eligibility for student financial aid. Financial aids packages include grants, loans, and work study programs. FAFSA is a non-discriminatory program who’s only criteria is the students’ current financial situation. It can easily be filled out by following the link to the right.